Lunch Program
Your contribution of 2,000 Baht per day can provide a nutritious lunch and afternoon snack for 120 children at the center. With this amount, the children will receive all necessary and nutritious food necessary for the development according to their ages. The food menu is prepared and approved by a village health center of Public Health Department. The contribution can be made by individual/ on behalf of his/her family, company, or for special occasions such as for birthday, marriage anniversary or the anniversary of the starting of a business or company. Activities of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) include offering lunch to the children a common birthday once a month, twelve times a year. The Foundation does not encourage sponsors to bring food to the center because often the amount of food brought far exceeds the amount needed and then is wasted. Also, children learn to compare and become choosy about food which is contrary to the purpose of the Center. The aim of the foundation is to encourage children to eat a balanced meal as prepared by the center. Should there be any surplus of fund, it is used to prepare the next day’s lunch.
Furthermore, there is a sponsorship program “Your kids…We Care” along term and continuous assistance program one to one sponsor of 900 baht per month per child) to help the needy children. The program is deigned to help lessen parental worries for the well-being of the children while at the center which, in turn, enables them to work with maximum effectiveness knowing that their children are in the hands of qualified caretakers. The children will also be free from dangerous happenings. The planned daily activities of the center are aimed at physical, social and spiritual development. All contributions are of great value for the work of the foundation and of great benefits to all children.
The Foundation would like to invite all those who are concerned for the underprivileged children at this center to donate according to your capacity.